Born-Blind Singer Touches Hearts with Her Soul-Stirring Performance of ‘Angel’ on CGT

Simone Soman, a blind vocalist, delivered a deeply moving performance on Canada’s Got Talent, showcasing her resilience and extraordinary talent. Blind since birth, Simone has faced numerous challenges, yet her powerful voice and determination have propelled her to the CGT stage, where she inspires audiences with every note.

Performing Sarah McLachlan’s “Angel”, Simone touched the hearts of viewers, proving that blindness has never defined her abilities or limited her dreams. “Blindness is something I’ve learned to live with and accept,” she shared.

Born blind singer touches hearts with 'Angel' performance on CGT – Madly Odd!

After taking a break from performing to raise her two children with her fiancé, Rick, Simone is now returning to her passion. With her kids in school, she’s ready to focus on her music and hopes to inspire her children through her perseverance and love for singing. “I really want my kids to be proud of this performance,” she said.

Simone’s story and performance remind us all of the power of resilience and the beauty of chasing one’s dreams, no matter the obstacles.

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